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EARTHING. A 5 part series on Not Squandering Our Planet. Part 1: David Loy
13. März @ 19:00 - 20:30

More and more of us realize the multiple ecological crises and their fast unfolding, tipping point after tipping point. At the same time, more and more of us engage in environmental education, resistance against more destruction, fostering and healing the Earth.
Zen Peacemakers around the world are bearing witness and taking action from not-knowing to support the preservation and regeneration of our home sphere, to embody hands-on compassion as Ecosattvas.
In this five part series of events we want to deepen our practice as Earth Stewards, share global perspectives and local experience, and invite you to join the ZenPeacemakers Ecosattva community.
We are excited to have Peacemakers: David Loy (USA), Kathleen Hoêtsu Battke (Germany/Europe), Martin Pradel (Melbourne/Australia), Chris Goto-Jones (Canada), Olga Falceto and Jose Ovidio Waldemar (Brazil) presenting during this series event.
Session 1: „The New Bodhisattva Path“ mit David Loy 
Weitere 4 Termine in dieser Serie an den darauf folgenden Donnerstagen: 20.+27. März, 3.+10. April
Anmelden auf https://hive.zenpeacemakers.org – über die ZPI Event-Seite
Diese Veranstaltung bieten wir in Kooperation mit ZenPeacemakers International an.